Saturday, August 25, 2012

Sorry for my Absence.



Still there?

I should probably start by saying I'm sorry. My absence and consequent silence from you was undoubtedly unwarranted. If you will, I will render an explanation that is as true as possible and from which you will judge me. Its been a busy couple of weeks. My cousin Ramon contacted me several weeks prior if I was interested in taking his Senior Portraits. Naturally, I said I was. Being that I as in much need of a new photographic project, I was only happy to have one fall on my lap. I was also helping my cousin out, win-win. One of the locations needed to have the New York City skyline in the background so I, along with my cousin, subsequently spent an early, almost perfect, dawn Tuesday on a Hoboken pier as the sun tried to break free from the skyscrapers of New York City. The next location was the Jersey shore but not the Jersey shore. If you get my drift. None of the crazy boardwalk shenanigans. Just the beach, the Atlantic ocean, and some fun. So we spent the weekend at Toms River and managed to find some not so crazy part of Seaside to take the portraits. It only really took one day so the rest of the weekend was spent celebrating the day of my birth, which was on Sunday. Needless to say I drank much more than a normal human being can absorb, more of that later. Meanwhile, here are some photos. 

Well, that was last week. This past week's silence was due to to my crazy work schedule. Needing to replace the hours I lost galavanting around Toms River (to be read as "drinking at my uncle's house") to supplant my miserable earnings, I agreed to pick up extra hours. So I've been working from 6pm-2am the last three days. I know, ick.

So now we're here. I haven't a single beer mention in this post yet. Here it is.

Weihenstephaner Hefe Weissbier
That's on a plastic table on the deck in Toms River at around 8pm-ish.

Palm Amber Ale
This was also present in Toms River, just didn't get around taking a photo of it.
Both photos were taken with my Galaxy SIII and not my dlsr.
And yes, that's Community Season 3 on the background.

There we go. Two beers, from two countries that make some of the best beers in the world. That was a little bit of a birthday gift for myself. The first image you see is of the first Wiessbier I've ever tasted, way back when I was just a wee itty-bitty beer drinker (legally, that should be 4 years ago, but we all know that it's been longer than that). Weihenstephaner Hefe Wiessbier can be found in any self-respecting liquor store, at least if your town isn't the middle of nowhere. In which case, any store carrying beer is a self-respecting liquor store. However, this beer is a little harder to find on tap. I've only ever seen it served in that variety in German biergartens in the city. Now, if you were wondering, Wiessbier literally mean "white beer". They are called such because of its pale and hazy appearance, and is in no way discriminating towards anyone. Trust me. The pale appearance is due to wheat they use to brew the beer along with a specific strain of yeast. And if you're not used to having yeast in your beer, you might incur some stomach problems. It has a refreshingly sweet and "bready" flavor perfect for the summer. Weihenstephan Brewery claims to be the worlds oldest continuously operated brewery in the world. If that says anything, it's "We know what we're doing".
Obviously not my photo.

Ah, Palm. In all honesty, it is not the best beer from Belgium. People seem to call it mediocre without trying to be rude about it (except for that one guy who said he'd prefer Coors Banquet Beer over Palm... I'm not talking to that guy). And it probably is just barely a contender, at least in the league of heavyweights like Duvel and Chimay. But to me, its a lot like San Miguel Pale Pilsen. It isn't the perfect beer, but its the perfect one when your drinking it. Palm Amber Ale is by far one of my favorites precisely for that fact. There never seems to be the wrong occasion for it. It's subtle "maltyness" and slightly spicy undertones make it a pretty nice alternative to the same old thing without being too out there for the less adventurous. There was a time when I entered a particular bar (one that has my name on the wall), the bartender would instantaneously bring me a glass of Palm, and suddenly, without rhyme or reason, it becomes a good day.

Again, not my photo. 

I leave you here, and I promise I will not leave you in silence for that long of a period without prior notice. Stay thirsty my friends.

ps. my very good friend, Joelo Delgado, has also started a blog and its worth a read. Enjoy.


  1. whoa!!! i love the portraits! great job as usual bro but i want more more more! hehehehe ok now about the drinks. didn't you let me try palm beer that time we went to the beer place in makati? i know aside from Chimay, i also had another drink but i forgot what. wish i could really join you in your quest of drinking different beers from different countries/cities. let's do this when you come home for vacayl ,ok?

    cuz Ann Abrera-Mirano extends her birthday wishes to you. better late than later daw hehehe

  2. Hey sis! haha thanks, I have a lot more but I'm not all to comfortable posting them all up yet. I might post some on facebook on ramon's permission. I might submit one or two to JGP mag since i haven't posted much on that site since last year. I'm considering setting up a blog for photos only.

    I don't think it was Palm sis. It may have been Leffe, a Belgian Blond. i don't remember seeing palm at the place we went to.

    Tell cousin ann thanks. :)

  3. Oh, and yes we will do this when i go home again.


Be nice.