Sunday, August 5, 2012

Long time no see...

Due to unforeseen circumstances, I am back here once again within a week of the last edition to bother you. Unforeseen circumstances you ask? Why, one of my benevolent bosses (of which I have two), gave me the Sunday morning off. This created a little something they call "free-time" between tonight and tomorrow night when I resume my work. So, how did I decide to spend my Saturday evening? A night out with friends? Pshah! I'm too uncool for that. If you must know (though I'm sure you don't have to know and I'm just forcing the issue), apart from thinking of my father on the day of his birth (may he rest in peace), I spent the night at home watching season 2 of Community, with pints of Boddingtons Pub Ale in our newly "redecorated" living room.
Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus (I usually take all photos with  my Nikon dslr)

Questions? I'm sure there are none. Who is even reading this? You? Uh, I love you. In any case, I wish to explain. That's our common TV. My awesome landlord saved it from being thrown out and made it appear in our living room out of thin air earlier this year. I've only gotten around to hooking it up to anything. And by anything I mean this DVD Stereo combo thing my father bought when I was in college. Its been in a box for about 2 years now and still works like a charm. Thanks, Dad. The washed out image on the TV is no one's fault other than my Samsung Galaxy tablet's camera. But if you wish to trust me, its the dvd menu for Community. Its one of the funniest shows, ever. And the irony that I am now attending a community college is definitely not lost on me. If you know anything about the show, I desperately want an Annie. Don't judge me.
That one on the far right. That's her. I love. Her. 

Okay, enough. On to the beer.

Honestly, this was supposed to be for next week's edition but like I said, I had this "free-time" thing. Friday, (my day off) I went to my liquor store in Ridgefield Park and decided that the first thing that catches my eye in the beer case will be the brew for next week. Somehow, someway, the giant yellow 4 pack these pint cans came in caught my eye. The cans themselves are pretty eye catching too. Now, I haven't had Boddingtons Pub Ale in a long time. I've had it on tap once in a bar in Montclair and I enjoyed it. So I picked it up and went home. Now, when you do the same at your local liquor store, don't be alarmed by that strange feeling that there's something in your cans. There is something in those cans. Its called a widget. What it does is manage the beer's head (please, no phallus jokes), assuring a nice creamy, frothy foam on top when your pour as evidenced by the photo below. It has a pretty malty sweetness that lasts in your mouth for a while. It's not overly bitter, in fact, I didn't notice it much till the very end when I wanted some more. It has a very nice mouthfeel that makes you want to savor it. But its sweetness and lack of bitterness makes you want to do the opposite and down that sucker like water when you're thirsty.

Overall Pub Ale is OK. It'll do if you're craving for a British import. It tends to be one of the inexpensive ones in the offering in liquor stores. If you've never had it before, by all means, give it a shot. It won't hurt. You never know, you might be missing half of your life. Or not. 

So I'm going to end with this. Did I mention I want an Annie?


  1. hahaha I didn't know you liked Annie :)
    when you said widget, first thing that came into mind was samsung's widget manager for the phones hehehe

  2. Love it. Keep writing my friend. You have a unique voice.


Be nice.