Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Beginning

I like beer.
Nay, I love beer. 

It is my preferred libation for most occasions. In fact, I am having one, as we speak (or as I write and you read). This does not mean I do not drink other beverages, like water, orange juice, whiskey, Spanish Merlot. I do, sometimes. 

I did not always like beer. I remember thinking after having my first taste of the oft-times golden nectar, "Its too bitter! Who likes this crap?" But as my childish inhibitions left and time went on, I found myself head over heels in love with this liquid mistress. I do not pretend to know a lot about beer, or of how it is made. I know what I know from experience. I'm no brewer, or taste tester, I am but a simple man, who enjoys a beer when he can. 

Now that we have established my affection towards beer, perhaps it is time for me to explain this whole endeavor. I plan to document what it is I am drinking every week. I thought about documenting what it is I drink everyday, however, that will require too much work and it may be the sole reason for my untimely death due to liver cirrhosis. I figure a beer a week wouldn't be too much trouble. I wouldn't run out of material after a couple of months. I will not promise to drink a different beer every week. There will be repeats. I may not be having beer every week. Though it will mostly be beer every week. But its not about a new beer every time. Its really about what I want to drink and why. Perhaps accompanied by a photograph. 

So, here we are. A new endeavor. 

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