Saturday, July 21, 2012

OK, So its early. Sue me.

So I find myself itching to add another post before the week is out. Maybe that initial thought of posting everyday with a different beer would have been plausible. I haven't even had the chance to go to the liquor store to peruse their more than competent line-up before my fingers found the keyboard. That means I'm still drinking San Miguel Pale Pilsen. I'm not complaining. Neither should you. I used a different glass this time. And I'm watching a baseball game. 

Yup, that's a Yankee's game. Baseball games are often long and, admittedly, occasionally boring. Especially when its a 1-1 game and no one can seem to hit the baseball. Nevertheless, the addition of an uncomplicated brewski usually brings you home safe (see, baseball analogy... I'm so smart!). It often allows you to mellow out, avoiding a vein-bulging, potentially fatal, rant about how A-Rod automatically chokes when there are runners on base. Too much brew will likely end in a prolonged streaking incident out in the streets while shouting incoherent baseball terms that vaguely sound familiar. So kids, moderation is very important. Don't be Will Ferrell from Old School. No body likes that guy.
That's my wonderful media center provided by (the tv) my wonderful (sic) ex-flame. Poor me boohoo.

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